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Thoughts & Inspiration

I have so many updates on my relationship with the Lord and though I want to share every waking moment I’ve had with the Lord in these past two months. I just seemingly can’t. I, however, want to share what the lord has done regarding the WORLD RACE and what he has taught me through it.


         Since I’ve committed to the World Race, I’ve had a non-stop life with God, from summer camp to Youth Ministry Intern. I’ve been running full speed with the Lord. And though as I write this i’m in bright spirits and completely in love with the Lord; I couldn’t have said the same thing a week ago. A week ago (complete transparent here), I cried every-time I thought about my relationship with God. I cried more in these past 3 weeks than I have in my whole life. (i’m not a crier). The worst part of it is, I never told anyone. That’s my bad habit: I fight battles in an army of one. Now this isn’t anything new, I learned this way “of survival” when I was young. (and I did get over it for a while.. thank goodness for the Lord’s revival) I’ve beaten this thought process before but I got so caught up in running, I think I forgot who the finish line was. I was running but I wasn’t running with our Father. Crazy part is that I was still teaching and sharing God’s word. God never stopped using me but he couldn’t use me fully because of where my heart was turning. Now, don’t take this the wrong way, I still believed (during that time and now) that the Lord is my king and Jesus is my savior. I fully had no doubt that my belief was right (its my faith that was shifting). See, thats the easy part about Christianity to me: Knowing/believing all the Biblical stuff and sharing it. The hardest part is always having faith in what I read and say. Faith is trusting in the unknown and the known. During these last 3-4weeks, I had a-lot of unknown and little faith in it. The Lord saw me running and he kept calling to me. (i honestly think I made life a-lot harder than it had to be) That’s why I would cry every-time I thought of our relationship, my spirit knew something was shifting but my flesh was ignoring. God was calling me to surrender my race. To fall and take a break. (I’m an athlete so giving up isn’t in my vocabulary which he knows of course) The Lord was trying to teach me that I was never suppose to be running the race anyways; If I would have surrender and laid everything out for him. He would have picked up my weary, broken, beaten body to the finish line. That’s what he is doing now. I lay everything at his feet and he carries me across whatever his will may be. 


Like I said before, this is all just a glimpse into what the Lord has been teaching me and reviving in me for the past 3-4weeks. It might not make much sense in writing but just know its been crazy. While the Lord was reteaching me to surrender. He was also proclaiming his written truth about me. In my previous writing above I wrote this: “God never stopped using me but he couldn’t use me fully because of where my heart was turning.” This has been a fundamental thing, God has been showing me recently and honestly I didn’t even realize what he was talking about until last week. (Everything just seemed to make sense… crazy) The Lord had been speaking over me that I was his chosen daughter. That he loves me and cares for me.  (also that i’m definitely my biggest hater..Who would have figured) He was telling me that its okay to not understand and to just rest in his presence. I’m forever grateful that no matter how many times I forget and honestly listen to the lies of satan (if we’re being real) Our Father always reminds me of how beautifully created I am in his name. He makes my scars into testimonies for his glory. 


I wish I could explain this sub-paragraph better but I don’t know how to put into words how God has used this word for me. Claimed. I would say about 6 months ago (give or take), my amazing and sweet buddy Esa Summey (a fellow world racer) gave me a key. Its called the giving key, and each key has a word on it. They are all unique and the word you get is related to your walk with Christ (crazy I know). Well, my key said claimed. and boy has the Father proved and spoken that word over my life this week! Like I said I wish I could write and explain everything but I would rather tell you in person. However,  I wanted to end on this word because this is where the lord has me walking right now. I’m walking in my best ability towards my Father in Heaven. I’m no longer worried about money or what people may say about me because I am claimed. its not always has easy as that but its a whole lot easier now that I have surrendered to the truth that God has chosen me and claimed me as daughter of the most high king. 

Route Change

The Lord has been moving and speaking! After prayer and meetings with mentors, I am switching Routes! I am joining semesters Pacific Rim 2022! I still leave in January but my Fundraising goal is $5,150 now! I also will only be gone for 3 months instead of 11 months! I don’t know what the Lord has for me regarding missions in the long term but I couldn’t be more excited about this trip!! I know the Lord has me in the palm of his hand and I’m so thankful for the community he has given me!


*I am selling T-SHIRTS and CREWNECKS if you are interested in buying one to help me raise donations! I would greatly appreciate it! The link is right below this! Thank you guys so much*

 The Race Fundraising Store – Anaya Hunter


I hope this post gave a little more insight on what God is doing in my life now as I prepare for the WR. If there is anything I mentioned that you would love to talk more about please let me know! Thank you for taking your time to read and if you feel God tugging at your heart to donate or support in anyway (prayer, events, even sharing) feel free to send me a email or contact me on my socials listed below! If theres anything you need prayer on comment below so us, as a community can pray for you! Sending Love <3



Instagram @its.anaya

Email [email protected]